Squeaky Wheel Politics

Squeaky Wheel Politics

Our Country Needs Us.

Let's get this straight

before the get-go. Donations are greatly appreciated. You can buy my book at Amazon. Or not. But I'm not here to sell you anything. You got this thought in the back of your head that all this is for the purpose of selling you something. Get rid of it! Oh, I have information that Americans need for their economic, social and political survival; that'll be $14 a day for the rest of your life from each of you. No! And that's not all! I could and I should be sitting with my feet up recovering from a long day of salmon fishing in a drift boat on the Columbia river. But No......................! I'm here trying to get vital information to mass quantities of Americans ASAP. There's no charge for any information found here and I'll send you my book (Screwed, Blued, Tattooed, and Sold Down the River) for free. Glad you're here. So, read on, if you dare.

Cognitive Dissonance:

The mind involuntarily rejects information not in line with previous thoughts and/or actions.

It can be extremely difficult

for well fed, comfortable and amused people to conceive of a system of plunder that they, their parents and grandparents were born into along with the plunderers, their parents and grandparents, yet such failure to see does not prove the nonexistence of that system, it only insures that it will continue until the people are stripped of all of their wealth and reduced to serfs.

Throughout history, governments have plundered

their citizens. Ancient governments clipped the edges of coins and melted the clippings to make new coins, which also were clipped. The serrated or milled edge of coins was intended to prevent that practice. As time passed, the plunderers progressed to debased coinage, that is, base metals were switched for all or part of the precious metals in the coins. Still later, non-redeemable paper currency was used to steal the fruits of men’s labor.

The most sophisticated plunder

yet inflicted on trusting citizens combines the use of controlled news media; paper and metal tokens; credit (monetized debt) and imaginary taxes. The news media and schools deceive the people to believe that copper tokens and credit are “money;” that prices are inflation and that some of the “money” must be returned to the plunderers as taxes even though the plunderers have access to unlimited “money.” The plunderers’ creation and financing of foreign “enemies” helps to convince the victims that taxes are needed to support government while largesse to the most robbed poor buys votes to perpetuate the plunder. The ancient Chinese carved in stone, “Disperse the money, collect the people.” As the Romans had bread and circuses, we today, have food stamps, football, foosball and fools on TV ad infinitum. We must be distracted at any cost...." Dave Wilber, economics writer, quoted in Archibald Roberts, The Most Secret Science, 101 and in my book.

Employ your time

in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. Socrates (469–399 BC)

When you finish

my book and searching here, you're going to be angry or fearful or confused or all the above. You are going to see. And there is no going back. We are talking political. We are talking conspiracy. What I present here to you is the results of some traditional, some rare, and some unique sources of education, training, research and information. As my dearly departed pappy would have said good-humoredly, “Even a blind hog finds an acorn once-n-a-while.” I started rooting around off beaten paths with gusto some forty years ago; here and now I’m passing on to you my experiences and grim political discoveries (with remedies).

At this site

and in my book are the bits and bolts and moving parts of the progressive, piecemeal dismantling of our constitutional self-governance, and simultaneous construction and implementation of a socialist form of government. Our challenges therefore include an expensive flimflam money system of longstanding, loss of representative government, illegal taxation, involuntary servitude (slavery). That is: - The Federal Reserve Banking System - Regional Government - Social Security - Income Tax (as applied to wages). As the title of my book notes, we have been:

Screwed, Blued, Tattooed, and Sold Down the River


Screw: Pressure, coercion; extortionist. Slang, jailer. Roget’s College Thesaurus. To put on the screw, to bring pressure to bear on a person, often, for the purpose of getting money. To put under the screw, to influence by strong pressure; to coerce. To oppress by exactions. Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (1942)


Blued: Colloq., sad, dejected, depressed, dispirited, downhearted. Roget’s College Thesaurus


Tattoo: To prick the skin and stain the punctured spots with a coloring substance, forming lines and figures upon the body. Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (1942). Social Security Number: A “tattoo” Government requires that might as well be etched on your buttocks at birth. From the cradle to the grave, without this “tattoo” you can not go to school, get a job, apply for loans, acquire medical insurance, recoup Social Security money fraudulently confiscated from your pay-checks, file tax returns to get back a dime on the dollar of the illegal taxes you were forced to pay; hey..., don’t get me started..., too late. D. H. Mason (2014)

Sold Down the River

A term coined by slaves; their response when asked what happened to friends and family members.

Greetings fellow slaves.

Here and in my book I dissect how we Americans were screwed, blued, tattooed and sold down the river. Remedies are included (some assembly required). We were screwed in 1913 with passage of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and especially by passage of the Federal Reserve Act; blued starting in 1929 with the so-called “Great Depression;” tattooed in 1935 with passage of the Social Security Act and sold down the river ever since with the covert establishment and implementation of a socialist form of government.

I See.

I started to see

in the early 1980's when the IRS seized our savings and attached my checks. The IRS referred to the tens of thousands of us as "Illegal Tax Protestors." Exactly! Obviously the IRS had a different definition. No day in court. Just a little o' form from the IRS was all it took and third parties (employer, bank, credit union) had no problem quickly turning over my livelihood and our savings to that infamous collection agency. I was on fire. My quest for a clear picture of what the !@#$%^&* was going on was on. Somewhere along the line it came to mind, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Illegal taxation was the "little" problem. So Mason, you see... now what? You let it pass or you don't. As you may have noticed, I couldn't let it pass. And neither will most of you, once you see. Again, the warning, once you enter here there is no going back. Once you see... this is not something that will allow you rest if you try to ignore it.

So..., get it together and don't just stand there.
Join the movement.
Be the Squeaky Wheel.

Buy via Amazon

Look Here

U.S. Debt Clock
Do I have your attention?

Inflation Calculator Inflation? One solitary thing. An increase in the supply of "money." Inflation from the year Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act (1913) to 2021 = 2,619.1%. What cost $20.00 in 1913 cost $543.83 in 2021. The Federal Reserve (a private corporation) collects interest on the "money" it loans; an increase in the supply means an increase in profit.

The Money Masters - YouTube Maybe. Just a thought. Tell me what you think. How 'bouts we give some serious thought to abolishing the !@#$%^&*! Federal Reserve and its expensive flim-flam money system? Monetary Reform Act

American Free Labor Act Income is profit (apples). Labor for wages is a value for value exchange (apple trees). Wages are not income (apple trees are not apples). Wages are labor (apples trees are apples trees).

Social Security Reconstruction and Freedom Act Social Security. Really? See all the above and TATTOOED, Chapter 5, "Screwed, Blued, Tattooed, and Sold Down the River."

*United States - No individual accounts therefore no right of inheritance. No guarantee or right to payments. Referred to as a “pay-as-you-go” system (1% to 2% (theoretical) rate of return, less for new workers). Incoming money pays current SS recipients first. Any leftover funds (the surplus) government replaces with interest-bearing IOUs and spends the proceeds as it sees fit. Social Security (approx) annual payments: $18,000 @ age 62; OR $25,000 @ age 66.

*Chile - Individual private account with right of inheritance (average annual rate of return for Chilean workers over 30 years (1981-2011) exceeded 9%). Annual payments: $55,000 @ age 62; OR $70,000 @ age 65 OR $53,000 and [in addition receive] a one-time cash payment of $223,000.

Now..., for the bad news. There is no more United States of America. There! I said it! Jurisdictionally speaking. Traditional units of self-governance (city, county, state and federal) have been progressively distilled of jurisdiction. The commonly recognizable names are still used today for tax collection, geographical identification, and illusionary effect. Self-governance is water under the bridge. Yep, you and me..., sold down the river long ago. Federal regionalism is a seditious conspiracy of longstanding. Long past is the transfer of constitutional powers from elected officials into the hands of planners, appointed agents who are not responsive to the people. That is Regional Government (est. 1969), a socialist governmental system via mass quantities of appointed bureaucrats (FEMA, EPA, HUD, HHS, DOT DOE, Education, Agriculture, Labor, Commerce, etc.) swarming from the Executive Branch of the Federal Government:

10 Federal Regions
O'Grady Grand Jury Complaint 1991
Constitutional Restoration Act

Common Ground + Political Action Figures = America Salvaged (rescued from ruin)

Common Ground

In ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin/Yang (light/dark, negative/positive, fire/water, expand/contract) is a concept of dualism, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Yin and Yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts. Our political Yin/Yang is out of whack. Left Wing. Right Wing. No bird flies with just one wing. There are contrary forces at play here, corrupting, dividing. Not in play is the complementary, interconnected, and interdependent force of Yin/Yang, and thus we suffer the loss of our dynamic political system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts. Our Nation appears monumentally divided. Doesn't matter. The four core issues I'm bringing to your attention we can fix without any of us having to march to the drum beat of another. These four issues transcend whether you're a flaming liberal or a redneck conservative; they harm every one of us, no matter our individual characteristics, beliefs or political affiliation. My website (squeakywheelpolitics.com) and my book (Screwed, Blued, Tattooed, and Sold Down the River) dissect those four nonpartisan issues, offer evidence and corrective legislation. Divided we stand! And that's okay. For it is on common ground:

  1. Federal Reserve Banking System

    Abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System. National debt paid off in two years, inflation and deflation neutered, fractional reserve banking abolished, risk of depression virtually eliminated. Solution: Monetary Reform Act (MRA) - Find the MRA at themoneymasters.com. The MRA is a two step plan for national economic reform and recovery:

    Step 1: Directs the Treasury Department to issue U.S. Notes (like Lincoln’s Greenbacks; can also be in electronic deposit format) to pay off the National debt.

    Step 2: Increases the reserve ratio private banks are required to maintain from 10% to 100%, thereby terminating their ability to create money, while simultaneously absorbing the funds created to retire the national debt.

    These two relatively simple steps, which Congress has the power to enact, would extinguish the national debt, without inflation or deflation, and end the unjust practice of private banks creating money as loans (i.e., fractional reserve banking). Paying off the national debt would wipe out the $400+ billion annual interest payments and thereby balance the budget. This Act would stabilize the economy and end the boom-bust economic cycles caused by fractional reserve banking.

  2. Regional Government

    Abolish regional governance. Reinstitute/Reinforce Representative Government - Eliminate governance via mass quantities of appointed bureaucrats (FEMA, EPA, HUD, HHS, DOT, DOE, Education, Agriculture, Labor, Commerce, etc.) swarming from the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Foster coordination and cooperation between traditional units of government (City, County, State, United States). Solution: Constitutional Restoration Act

  3. Social Security

    Let me see if I've got this straight. You're telling me it's mandatory I put my economic future into the hands of a body 28 trillion dollars in debt? Mandatory. Oh, you're saying I have a number but not an individual account. No right of inheritance. And, no guarantee or right to payments. Maybe 18K at 62, (reduced 29.2% if taken before "full" retirement age of 66 and 10 months) or maybe 25K at that full retirement age, with inflation chewing away at it like a mad dog. Then there's Chile - Individual private account with right of inheritance (average annual rate of return for Chilean workers over 30 years (1981-2011) exceeded 9%). Annual payments: $55,000 @ age 62; OR $70,000 @ age 65 OR $53,000 and [in addition receive] a one-time cash payment of $223,000. *Savers have been allowed to withdraw funds during the COVID crisis. According to The Financial Times Limited (2021), "Congress could yet approve a third withdrawal next year, putting at risk a pool of savings that has driven the growth of Chile's capital markets and jeopardizing future returns." Emergencies require extraordinary actions; you can't save water for tomorrow if you die of thirst today. And it's their "water!" Solution: Social Security Reconstruction and Freedom Act

  4. Income Tax

    Eliminate illegal taxation of labor (wages) as profit (income). Income is profit (apples). Labor for wages is a value-for-value exchange (apple trees). Wages are not Income (apple trees are not apples). Solution: American Free Labor Act

The ONLY viable solution is corrective legislation in the hands of determined people and their elected representatives (City, County, State, United Sates). Therefore:

Wanted: Political Action Figures

Would you read a 186 page book and make three phone calls to rescue your Country? Now's your chance. At least one Political Action Figure (PAF) is needed in each of the 435 U.S. congressional districts. In your particular congressional district and State, you have "standing," meaning your particular U.S. Representative and Senators are accountable to you because you live in the district and the State. No problem with having more than one PAF in a district, more is better but at least one PAF in each of the 435 congressional districts is the goal.

As a potential PAF for your district, you need to first read the playbook, "Screwed, Blued, Tattooed, and Sold Down the River," (remedies included - some assembly required),which I wrote and will provide. Free. You can get it at Amazon, paperback ($19.95) or Kindle eBook ($9.99). For me to buy and send you my book, the playbook, cost $12.55 (plus the time to prepare and mail). On or about September 14, 2021, I'm sending a copy of my book, via USPS Priority Mail, to every U.S. Representative (435), every Senator (100), and the nine Supreme Court Judges. All 544 copies are packaged and ready to mail. With a week's notice the Postmaster will bring in extra help to process them. When I mail the book to Congress and the Supremes in September it will cost me 6K+. Yes, yes, donations to defray costs are greatly appreciated. Make donations at squeakywheelpolitics.com.

I know you don't know if you know if you want to be a PAF until you read the book and know the mission. You read the mission in the first line: Read a 186 page book and make three phone calls. Leave your mailing address at masondonnie99@yahoo.com with subject "PAF," I'll send you the book. After reading the book I believe you will be compelled to act. Then, on or about September 23, 2021 (9 days after mailing my book), join Political Action Figures across the Nation who will be contacting their respective U.S. Representative and two Senators. Using what each PAF individually considers a comfortable means of contact (write, call, email, in person appointment and/or all the above), they (and you if you accept this mission) will call on their respective elected officials and with kind respect, ask them to please read and heed and act on what was sent them by D. H. Mason; respectfully tell them it deserves their immediate attention and action.

And so it is... the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I said make one call to each of your elected and that is good, very good, and sufficient but any additional contact would be... most marvelous! Even GREAT! The goal is passage of the legislation. Make additional calls 9 days apart. Ask for updates. Never give in. Be a great pain unto their buttocks. If your elected refuse to act, let them know you will work diligently to replace them. Send the newly elected a copy of my book, respectfully and strongly suggest they read, heed and act, as you respectfully requested of their predecessor.

When you decide to be a PAF, email your State and District number to masondonnie99@yahoo.com with subject "PAF me." For example, mine is Oregon District 1. Encourage friends and family to get-n-read the book and join you as a PAF for their congressional district. Again, mass quantities of Political Action Figures in every district would be most marvelous. I'll email you with DC delivery date and subsequent date to start contacting respective U.S. Representatives and Senators.

Send this treatise to every email address in your book and/or print and mail and/or hand out in mass quantities. Post it on all your outlets. Ask each recipient to do the same. Let's fix this.

© 2021 Squeaky Wheel Politics